Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tchalee and the Chocolate Factory

Today we have a story written by two of my favoirte students--Sean and Candy. You have heard of them before. They are very smart! We are reading the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and today we are going to change it into a Korean story.

Tchalee Buket was a poor and sleepy boy who lived with his umma and apba (mother and father) and his two halmoni (grandmothers) and his two halawbawje (grandfathers). The seven of them lived in a dan kan pang (cement house) which was only six feet square. For acheem, jumshim, and jun nyok (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), they had only cold watery ramen day after day. But once a year on his birthday, he got the chance to eat Galbee. Galbee tastes marvelous, especially to Tchalee. Galbee is a special kind of meat from beef cattle. Although Tchalee was extremely poor, in the distance he could see a Galbee House and smell its fantastic smells. It was masheta (delicious). His apba only had a part time job sweeping up trash in the Children's Grand Park. But once a year one of the people who hiked in the park would give him money for a dinner at the Galbee House, and Tchalee would get to share the dinner with his parents. (To be continued)

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